Sunday 4 April 2010

Friday Puzzles #38

A belated entry this week, as I have been travelling somewhat. There’s more travelling to look forward to at the end of the month too, with the world sudoku championships in Phiadelphia. As such, this week’s puzzle is a sudoku variant known as Arrow Sudoku. Standard sudoku rules apply, and additionally, the number that goes into a grey circle is precisely the sum of the numbers to be found on the corresponding arrow.

Do note that numbers can repeat on the arrows, and enjoy!
    #046 Arrow Sudoku – rated medium
All puzzles © Tom Collyer 2009-10


  1. Nice to see an arrow sudoku here – I think its one of the more interesting “mutant sudoku” variants. Once you get a good “in”, this one comes together pretty quickly, but satisfyingly.

  2. Nice grid, no so difficult, but there are a couple of things to see. I like the appearence of the grid with this disposition of digits and arrows.


    P.S.: On the other side the anti-spam question for the comment on your blog is too difficult. I almost did not answer lol .

  3. Haha, thanks for the comments.

    The anti-spam question was designed to be as unlikely as possible for a spam-bot to crack, but easy enough for someone with half a brain to answer in a second!
