Friday, 6 August 2010

Friday Puzzles #64

This week’s puzzle is partly inspired by something that my good friend Jason Z (Ziti) sent to me earlier this week. It is probably also the most difficult puzzle I’ve ever made – If I used more than three ratings to classify my creations, then there’d have to be at least one or two more above “hard” to accommodate this beast. As it is, this is only “hard”. Enjoy, and give yourself a pat on the back when you’re done!

Edit: It appears the Warwick servers are playing up, so this may add to the challenge of solving the puzzle; I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do about that. On the other hand, it gives me a chance to plug Sudoku Xtra – whose 9th issue is now out. Contrary to the name, this magazine features a lot of puzzles which are decidedly not sudoku, and is well worth a look. This month’s edition includes the recent (not this week’s that is) Heyawake and A/S Heyawake puzzles that have featured on this blog, as well as contributions from David Millar (who has put together a sudoku competition this weekend) and puzzling friends mathgrant and MellowMelon.
    #078 Heyawake – rated hard
All puzzles © Tom Collyer 2009-10

1 comment:

  1. Yes, quite hard…

    I could see the sort of contradiction that had to be consistently applied here, but my solution still had a lot of (low-depth) trial and error. I’ll have to see if I missed something later.


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