Friday, 26 July 2013

Friday Puzzles #219

Even sudoku this week, which means that only even numbers are allowed in the shaded cells.  Nothing too challenging!

I hope you've been keeping up with my puzzles on the Art of Puzzles.  Thus far we've had:
And later today there's a classic Sudoku to look forward to later today, before a rather challenging Yajilin for tomorrow.

Re league business, I'm finishing off the week 27 and 28 pdf's so they should be available later today as well.
    #256 Even Sudoku – rated easy
All puzzles © Tom Collyer 2009-13.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Friday Puzzles #218

Yeah so I have a better excuse this week - Friday I was graduating and I've been moving house and settling in over the weekend.  But better late than never, eh Dearest reader?

Firstly exciting news for those of you who aren't so keen on sudoku and its variations.  I am now officially a contributor over at Grandmaster Puzzles.  There'll be a puzzle from me appearing every day until Saturday.  Which is nice!

Some daily league bookkeeping.  (You have to love the triple double-letters in that word!)

Week 27
Saturday (Irregular +2, Hns Eendebak)
Sunday (Sequence, Seungjae)
PDF (coming soon)

Week 28
Monday (Rank, Christoph)
Tuesday (Windoku, Karel)
Wednesday (Pinocchio, Bastien)
Thursday (Linked Irregular, Jakub H)
Friday (Hi-Lo Inner Frame, Bram)
(mine counts as Saturday!)

Don't forget that you can play with a day's delay over at

Back to this (last? haha) week's puzzle.  I wrote this in a rush and the visual theme isn't quite developed to my satisfaction and the solve is fairly straightforward.  It sows the seeds for better things in the future.  Enjoy!
    #255 Sudoku – rated easy
All puzzles © Tom Collyer 2009-13.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Friday Puzzles #217

Seems I was very naughty on Friday and forgot to make a blog post.  Rest assured dearest reader, it did appear on the facebook group in good time so if you've been following the daily league and haven't yet joined up, then why not?

Week 26
Saturday (Gapped Non Consecutive, Gui Yong)
Sunday (Anti-Knight, Seungjae)

Week 27
Monday (Triangle Sums, Zoltán Horváth)
Tuesday (Frame, Prasanna)
Wednesday (Non Consecutive Anti-Knight, Bastien) - this is a very powerful combination of constraints!
Thursday (Renban Groups, Jan Zvěřina)

As always, you can play with a day's delay on the servers.

This week's puzzle is a difficult diagonal sudoku.  Probably too hard for competition.  Enjoy!
    #254 Diagonal Sudoku – rated hard
All puzzles © Tom Collyer 2009-13.

Friday, 5 July 2013

Friday Puzzles #216

Daily League Update!

Week 25
Saturday (Ace, Bram)
Sunday (Missing Arrow, Seungjae)

Week 26
Monday (1011, Christof) - and it's definitely worth noting this variant is combinatorially equivalent to consecutive...
Tuesday (Point-to-Next or Search 9, Prasanna)
Wednesday (Tile, Bastien)
Thursday (Classic, Jakub H)

Look, Dearest reader, I've finally got around to doing a proper update!  My offering this week is an irregular puzzle that kind of challenges my rating system a little because I know many people find these types to be quite tricky, often because the solving path is rather narrow.  The same is true of this puzzle, but I think this would be fair game as a competition puzzle and so I cannot give it the label hard.  Even though this is definitely harder than last week's medium.  Apparently I can't win.  Enjoy!
    #253 Irregular Sudoku – rated medium
All puzzles © Tom Collyer 2009-13.

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