Friday, 5 November 2010

Friday Puzzles #77

Greetings all – just a quick update this week. The first two puzzles are taken directly from the instructions of the imminent UKPA Sudoku Championship. Please note that the second link takes you to a groovy new tournament page.
    #098 Irregular Sudoku – rated easy

     #099 Touchy Sudoku – rated medium
Please refer to the puzzle examples section of the instructions linked above to refer to the rules. I can’t really be bothered to copy and paste them here! You’ll also have the novelty of finding the solutions there too!

For my 100th published puzzle, I’ve decided to let myself go a bit. Yup, another twisted symmetry 10×10 masyu – but I reckon this one is probably harder than last week’s offering. Rest assured that I’m going to stick to my guns on this and still call it a medium – just! I am particular pleased that almost by accident I stumbled upon a way of implementing the sort of non-trivial global logic I’ve wanted to put into a puzzle of this size for a long while now. The finishing move is pretty subtle as well, but no less cool for being so. Enjoy!
    #100 Masyu – rated medium
All puzzles © Tom Collyer 2009-10


  1. Again a very well crafted Masyu. Definitely trickier that last week’s.

    Accidentally or otherwise, it is not easy to craft it with a so small grid and with all the aesthetic constraints you have for all your Masyus.

  2. Very nice thoughtful (or thought-filled) Masyu. Enjoyed pumping it out. Mohanty is right.


  3. Nice, thanks. I just discovered Masyu yesterday. I note that a hint is available from the uniqueness requirement in the UL corner.


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