Friday, 29 April 2011

Friday Puzzles #102

I wonder whether this puzzle will end up being particularly remarkable or not – it’ll end up proving a point to me one way or the other. Enjoy!
    #128 Nurikabe – rated medium
All puzzles © Tom Collyer 2009-11


  1. I enjoyed this one—quite a bit of interest for a 10×10 nurikabe.

    I like puzzles that start in the middle in a genre where it’s too easy to make the starting points corners and edges.

    I like the fact that two of the corners are basically empty and two are more filled in, and all four corners provide interesting, logically satisfying unique solutions based largely on connecting the river.

    Plus the givens sort of look like some sort of Julia set to me.

  2. Yeah, so this puzzle wasn’t original planned for the blog, and I wanted it to be a fairly challenging solve. On the other hand, it just turned out to be a little too small. It’s with a little bit of regret that this one went out here, so I was kinda hoping that people would notice a little bit of difference…

  3. The solve reminded me a bit of Melon’s puzzle 268.

    What’s the point this ended up proving? Few comments if you make such an ominous prediction?



  4. Fewer comments would have meant I’d have been happier about posting this here – a sort of bridge burning ceremony. More cryptic comments to follow next Friday!


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