So I thought what I'd do for a while before sharing my puzzles this week is bore you a little with some copyright. The puzzles on this blog are free for anyone to use and reproduce under the following conditions. The first condition is that you do not use them for commercial purposes. If you want to make my money from my puzzles then it is unacceptable that you do so without a (large) cut coming my way. The second is that I am fully attributed, so that my work is fairly recognised as belonging to me. This should at the very least feature my name and a link to this blog. Should you wish to use my puzzles under any other terms, then you should get in touch and we can talk.
This is as stuffy as I am going to get with my puzzles. I maintain this blog for the benefit of the community. I would like the community to grow and expand, and if my puzzles can be used as part of this, then this makes me very happy indeed. Although it would be nice, should you wish to use my puzzles elsewhere, to ask me first, I do not deem this to be necessary. As long as you aren't being overtly offensive or abusive when using my work I will in fact be glad of the good advert whether I am conscious of this advert or not.
I wish more people shared my attitude. With the advent of the internet, I believe a revolution in copyright is coming.
Anyhow, this week I have two Sudoku variants that I put together for the Polish national championships, which recently happened. Two puzzles which I'd have been more than happy to have been published elsewhere, under the conditions outlined above, so that the wider community could enjoy them. Turns out they are here first instead. Enjoy!
#186 Arrow Sudoku – rated hard
#187 Irregular Sudoku – rated hard

All puzzles © Tom Collyer 2009-12.