Friday, 25 May 2012

Friday Puzzles #158

This one goes out to those 13 wonderful facebook fans I have.  Yes, that's right, as many as 13!  I don't think I've plugged that for a while, so why not scroll down a bit and click that like button.  What's the worst that can happen?

By the way, on the plugging theme I cannot recommend more highly the super-duper UKPA beginners contest I put together.  12 puzzles for you to have a go in the time frame of a month - and you don't even have to do them all in one go.  Feel free to keep coming back and  submitting your answers at your own knowledge.  And then see how you did at the end of month.  That's something I can't manage to offer my dearest readers here!  What exactly do you have to lose, eh?

Right, it turns out I do have a limit on my own shame, so I'll get straight onto this week's puzzle.  Nurikabe, with a little bit to think about, in my own slightly fiddly and time-honoured fashioned.  Enjoy!
    #190 Nurikabe – rated medium
All puzzles © Tom Collyer 2009-12.


  1. Nice one, I felt the opening was bit difficult, but after that it was very smooth.


  2. Thanks for the comment, glad you enjoyed it!


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